Setup QuarkChain Explorer Quickly (Use Docker)

Suppose there is a QuarkChain cluster running on the host (e.g. with default RPC port 38291.

Launch Docker container:

docker run -it -w /quarkchain-dev --net=host quarkchaindocker/quarkchainweb

Register host IP:

//inside Docker container

root@ubuntu:/quarkchain-dev# vi web/web/

//append host IP to ALLOWED_HOSTS, such as:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [“localhost”, “”]

Start the web server:

//inside Docker container

root@ubuntu:/quarkchain-dev# . env/bin/activate

(env) root@ubuntu:/quarkchain-dev# export PYTHONPATH=.

(env) root@ubuntu:/quarkchain-dev# env/bin/python web/ runserver --insecure

Then you can access http://localhost:8080/ (inside host), or (outside host) to explore local quarkchain.

That’s it. Enjoy!

Should we update the README file to reflect this? I think the old README is pretty outdated.

This guide is for external user, while quarkchain-dev is a private repo and it seems the README is for local development. Not sure to update.