QVM(QuarkChain Virtual Machine) is a hard fork of EVM, solidity is the programming language, so you can develop dapp on QuarkChain as you do on Ethererm. QuarkChain VM hasn’t supported Istanbul, evm version should be Petersburg or earlier version.
Here are some tools and examples that would be helpful.
QuarkChain Web3: https://github.com/QuarkChain/quarkchain-web3.js
QuarkChain Devnet: http://devnet.quarkchain.io/
QuarkChain Contracts Example: https://github.com/QuarkChain/quarkchain-contracts
An Example of QuarkChain Contracts Deploy Guide: https://github.com/QuarkChain/quarkchain-- contracts/blob/master/doc/StakingPoolContractUserGuide.md
QPocket Chrome Plugin (Just Like MetaMask): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/qpocket/dhabdofcfmbcogjdnlnjnodicfmaaiej
Dapp Starter Repo: https://github.com/marlowl/vue-truffle-starter-dapp
Debug & Compile Online Tools: https://remix.ethereum.org/
Recommend Books:
- Decentralized Applications Siraj Raval
- 深入以太坊智能合约开发 (区块链技术丛书) 杨镇